My Honest Admission: I’ve Spoiled My Dog and Now He’s Super Fussy

Have you ever found yourself petting a cat, when all of a sudden they went into demon mode? Things were nice and relaxing at first – purring…

My Personal Dilemma: Why I Choose Not to Write About Dog Food on My Blog

Food isn’t usually my topic of conversation when discussing dogs. Why don’t I blog about dog food? Because I am no expert when it comes to nutrition…

Please rephrase the title of article:Why I Can’t Judge Everyone Whose Surrendered a Pet

I don’t judge anyone who surrenders their pet. In fact, I’ve done it myself! Now you may have changed your opinion of me at least slightly and…

3 Inappropriate Responses When Someone Loses Their Dog

When offering condolences to those who have lost a pet, I tend to keep my words simple – though that wasn’t always the case as I used…

The Discomfort of the Word “Guaranteed” in Dog Training Articles

One thing that truly bothers me when reading articles on dog training is when people use words like guaranteed. Personally, I don’t use this language myself since…

The Mystery Unveiled: Exploring Why Dogs Opt for Toilet Water

Have you ever found it odd that our dogs tend to drink from the toilet bowl rather than their own fancy bowl? Have you ever considered why…

Decoding Canine Affection: Exploring the Fascination of Dogs with Cuddling

Are You Curious If Your Dog Likes Cuddles? My 70 lb Lapdog certainly enjoys cuddling, though not all my previous dogs shared her affinity. What sets her…

Unraveling the Mystery: The Reasons Behind Dogs’ Snoring

Does your pup share your bed? If that is the case, chances are you have heard them snore at least once or twice. Laika doesn’t usually snore…

Decoding the Howl: Understanding the Reasons Behind Dogs’ Vocalization

None of my previous dogs before Laika were big howlers; none even howled at all! Sure they had various barks and whines to express themselves with but…

Unraveling the Mystery: Why Dogs Engage in Wound Licking

As animal lovers, we all understand that dogs love to lick everything – especially wounds! However, is allowing your pup to lick these wounds beneficial or does…